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The Sacraments and their faithful administration are important to the people of All Saints.' The sacraments "are outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace. Grace is God's favor towards us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills" (The Catechism in The Book of Common Prayer, p. 857-58).


The seven sacraments are Holy Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation  of a Penitent, Holy Matrimony, Unction, Confirmation, and Ordination to Holy Orders. 


Holy Baptism is the sacrament of full initiation into the Christian branch of God's family. Baptisms are normally administered during the feasts of the Great Vigil of Easter, the Day of Pentecost, All Saints' Day, and the Baptism of our Lord. For good cause, Holy Baptism may be administered on other Sundays or at other times. Some preparation is asked; please make an appointment to meet with the priest.


Holy Eucharist is the sacrament whereby we continually remember Christ's life, death, and resurrection, while we wait for his coming again. We go into greater detail about this sacrament in other places on this website.


Reconciliation of a Penitent (Confession) gives the assurance of God's forgiveness by a priest after the penitent confesses their sins and expresses contrition and a desire to amend their life. You'll find more about this sacrament elsewhere on this website.


Holy Matrimony is the life-long union between two people (same or opposite sex) who ask God to bless and strengthen the vows and promises they make. Holy Matrimony may be administered during the celebration of Mass or as a rite of its own. Some preparation is asked; please make an appointment to meet with the priest.


Unction of the Sick involves prayer, the laying on of hands, and the use of holy oil to ask of God healing in body, mind, or spirit. Unction is also administered when a person is near death to ask of God a peaceful passing and the joys of heaven for the deceased. All Saints' administers Unction of the Sick at the end of Sunday Mass and by appointment.


Confirmation and Ordination to Holy Orders are reserved for the bishop to administer. Confirmation (or Reception into the Episcopal Church) is a mature commitment to Christ and the Church. Some preparation is asked; please make an appointment to meet with the priest. In Ordination to Holy Orders, the person is given particular grace and authority to serve in Christ's Church as deacon, priest, or bishop. The ordination process, by design, is lengthy and multi-layered. If you feel called to ordained ministry, please make an appointment to meet with the priest.

All Saints' Episcopal Church in the Haight

1350 Waller Street

San Francisco, CA 94117



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