You should be fighting over who gets to bring up the offertory gifts!
Well, not fighting, as that wouldn’t be proper in church. But you should be eager to fulfill this important part of the Mass by signing up, or by volunteering with the usher when you come into church, or saying an enthusiastic “Yes!” when the usher asks you. Why?
The offertory procession is, in my mind, the second most important ritual act members of the congregation make, receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion being the first.
The money in the offering plate, the ciborium containing the bread, and the flagons containing the wine and water represent you and everyone else present in the building. You bring these elements forward on behalf of everyone else, and they are placed on the altar. They are at the same time the signs and symbols, and the very reality of the sacrifice you and everyone else offers – a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving – that we ask God to unite with the sacrifice Jesus made, once and for all, on the cross.
All that is required of you, beyond a willing spirit, is the ability to walk while carrying the bread, wine, or water. The usher will give you simple instructions, and if you keep your eyes on me, I won’t steer you wrong.
Times of life celebrations are ideal for you to volunteer. Are you celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or other such celebratory event? Sign up to claim your Sunday, and check in with the usher when you arrive that morning. Might there be something joyful or heavy on your heart as you come into church that you’d like to symbolically lay on the altar? Check with the usher to see if there’s an open spot.
The ushers and I are counting on you! Thanks for responding robustly and joyfully!
God’s blessings and peace,