The proper preface is a short sentence or two at the beginning of the eucharistic prayer, between the Sursum corda (the introductory dialogue between presider and people) and the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy Lord…). Like the collects, the prefaces teach us something about God and the church. Today’s preface is for the Feast of All Saints; listen to what it teaches about saints:
For in the multitude of your saints you have surrounded us with a great cloud of witnesses, that we might rejoice in their fellowship, and run with endurance the race that is set before us; and, together with them, receive the crown of glory that never fades away.
It is the season when we make our pledges of the money we will give back to God by giving to All Saints’ in 2024. There isn’t a proper preface for this specific occasion, but the preface for the Dedication of a Church works quite well; we’ve used it the past two Sundays, and we’ll pick it up again for the next three. Listen to what it says about being a parish church:
Through Jesus Christ our great High Priest; in whom we are built up as living stones of a holy temple, that we might offer before you a sacrifice of praise and prayer which is holy and pleasing in your sight.
Our pledging and giving is essential to build, maintain, and grow into God’s mission for us and the ministries we share to fulfill this mission. Our pledging and giving is essential if we are to live into the words of this preface.
Thank you for giving faithfully and generously this year and for all the years you’ve been a living stone of this holy temple. Let’s continue this good work next year and beyond.
God’s blessings and peace,